Easy Cleaning Hacks for Busy Summer Days's featured image

Summer’s here! The kids are home, bursting with energy and ready for endless adventures. But let’s be honest, all that fun can translate to…well, let’s just say your housekeeping routine might need a little summer refresh. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to choose between epic summer memories and a spotless home. With a few clever hacks, you can keep the chaos at bay and free up precious time to focus on what matters most, quality family time, chasing those summer dreams, or simply catching your breath with a good book.

The Snack Attack Takedown

Beat the endless snack requests with a designated DIY Snack Station. Fill a basket with healthy options like pre-cut veggies, fruit, and yogurt.  Bonus points for including fun little containers for portion control (think colourful cupcake liners).

The Laundry Avalanche

Summer means swimsuits, shorts, and endless outfit changes. Combat the laundry mountain with a Quick Switch bin. This reduces unnecessary washing and keeps the clean clothes circulating. A coat rack for wet bathing suits is a game changer.

The 10-Minute Toy Tidy Blitz

Feeling overwhelmed by scattered toys? Set a timer for 10 minutes and challenge everyone to pick up as much as they can. Make it a game with silly music and see who can collect (and put back) the most.

One-in, One-Out Rule

Better yet, establish a one-in, one-out rule for toys. Before taking out a new toy, kids need to put away an old one. This helps limit clutter buildup.

Outdoor Craft Extravaganza

Take messy art projects outside! Sidewalk chalk masterpieces, finger painting on a tarp, or tie-dyeing in the backyard or local park keeps the mess contained.

Picnic Power

Pack lunches and head to a park for a picnic lunch. Lunchtime becomes an adventure, and you avoid dirty dishes at home.


Photo by Yunsik Noh on Unsplash