New Ways to Store your Outdoor Christmas Lights

Now that the holidays have come to an end, its time to tackle your outdoor Christmas lights. Instead of cramming them into a storage bin this year, why not try these simple organizational tricks to help keep your lights in pristine condition for next year. Here’s how: Put them in plastic: Store holiday lights separately […]

Holiday Gift Wrapping: Surprising Ways to Keep it Tidy

Spending time with family, entertaining friends and eating delicious food are what the Christmas season is all about! Focus less on the mess this holiday season by organizing your holiday gift wrapping station using these clever tips from the experts at MOLLY MAID. Keeps Rolls Rolled Up: Are your rolls of wrapping paper leaning into […]

Declutter your Fridge

Here are some ways to organize the fridge so that you know where foods and condiments are hiding, and what leftovers and other foods should be eaten now – or added to your compost. USE SQUARE PLASTIC CONTAINERS for leftovers and other food. Square containers versus round ones are stackable and keep things tidy. Also, […]

Condo Cleaning Secrets

The biggest secret to keeping a condominium clean is ‘living small’ which means you have to reduce the number of items you own down to the essentials. Here are some condo living – and cleaning – rules. Pare it down. The more you have, the more you have to clean. The first thing you should […]

The Top Four Clutter Areas in your Home

Household clutter getting you down?  Don’t stress! The residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID recommend using these helpful tips to declutter the top five clutter hotspots in your home. Hallway: The front foyer and hallway of your home sees a lot of traffic each day. Stop clutter at the door by designating a place or […]

Back-to-School Part Two: Getting Organized

Now that the school year has started, it’s time to organize areas in your home and implement a daily schedule to help the year run smoothly. Here’s how. Lunches – Allocate space in the fridge for school lunches and pack them the night before to make it easier for children to grab them in the […]

University Life: Cleaning for Students

Your little one is all grown-up and is ready to embark on the next stage in his/her life: post-secondary school. Gone are the days of cleaning up after them, making their meals and doing their laundry. All you can do now is prepare them for their next adventure and what better way to do that […]

Yard Sale: Declutter your Home

Summer is the perfect season to hold a garage sale! Before you get started, here are some tips to ensure your garage sale goes off without a hitch! Step one: Buddy up Although running a garage sale on your own may be an ideal option, the more neighbours or friends you involve, the better. Having […]

Camp Smart: Seven Unusual Camping Tips

Planning your annual camping trip? We have prepared some creative tips to help you “rough it”, with a little more comfort. Empty coffee container: Put toilet paper into an empty coffee container to keep it dry. Foam floor tiles: Bring a dozen or so and use them to create a comfortable floor in your tent. […]

BOOKED: What your Organization Style Says About you

Take a look at your bookcase. How you organize books says a lot about your personality. Here’s a quick (and light-hearted) review. Alphabetical: Placing books in the bookcase by alphabet is a traditional method of organizing books, and it’s also the most obvious. Alphabetize by the author’s last name or the title. About you: You […]

Four Essentials for a Kitchen Cupboard Overhaul

The way you organize your kitchen cupboards can create a sense of ease when cooking. The easier it is to find things, the more efficient you will be in the kitchen. Start by tackling each cupboard one at a time. Empty out the cupboard and assess its content. Think about where in the kitchen each […]

Three Steps to Cleaning your Kitchen Junk Drawer

Rid yourself of that messy kitchen drawer by following these simple steps: Dump it: Dump the contents of your junk drawer out onto a large surface. Sort the items into three separate piles; the first pile should contain items you use most in the kitchen. The second pile should contain items you use sometimes and […]

The Ultimate Space Savers

If you’ve decluttered your home, and still have more stuff than your storage can hold, it may be time to implement these space savers in your home. Jewelry organizers: Hanging plastic or vinyl jewelry organizers come in all different shapes and sizes. Each organizer has clear pockets so that your jewellery is visible. Most organizers […]

Create a Smart Home Office

A cluttered workspace, results in a cluttered mind! The professional cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest following these organizational tips, to help increase your productivity and the overall cleanliness of your home office. Declutter: Get started by going through your filing cabinet, desk, supply closet etc. and determine which items you need to keep, and […]

Don’t Throw it Out

Here are some new and exciting ways to use old items in your home: An ice cube tray: An ice cube tray can be used to organize your jewelry or craft materials. It can even be used to make healthy frozen yogurt snacks. Simply place your favourite yogurt into each cube compartment with a popsicle […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.