The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
Prepare your Home to Sell Fast!
There’s no denying that summer offers all the bells and whistles needed for the successful sale of your home. Between the beautiful, fragrant gardens; open windows and birds chirping, summer provides the optimal atmosphere for house hunting. Not to mention, buyers are naturally more at ease when they are house hunting in flip-flops rather than […]
Lemon Aid to the Rescue
Concentrated lemon juice works wonders when cleaning your home. Whether you have a smelly tea towel, or rusty cutlery, concentrated lemon juice coupled with these easy tips will help you cut through the odour and grime to restore your items to their natural state. Here’s how: Hand towels After hosting a dinner party, the last […]
Scrub n’ Scour like you Mean it!
Whether you’re dealing with a dull stainless-steel sink, layers of grime on your patio table, or caffeine stained mugs, the only way you’ll see results is if you scrub them like you mean it! Here’s how: Stainless-steel Sink Your sink endures a lot of wear and tear, yet, it’s often the element in your home that […]
Add a Little Feng Shui to your Patio
According to the experts, using the principles of Feng Shui in your patio design will help promote harmony and success in all areas of life. It will also make outdoor living that much more comfortable and easy too. The philosophy of Feng Shui emphasizes the free flow of energy by making your space clutter free. […]
Hats Off to Clean
Hats are a popular accessory during the summer, and as such, it’s important to give them a good cleaning every once in a while, to keep them in pristine condition. Here are some guidelines. Baseball & Fabric Hats: These caps often get sweaty and dirty during the summer. The perfect solution for getting them clean […]
Toothbrush Rescue
A toothbrush is not only an essential tool for cleaning your teeth, they are also quite handy for cleaning other items and areas in your home. Here are five cleaning tasks you can use a toothbrush for. Remove corn silk: Use a clean toothbrush to remove stray threads of silk from freshly shucked ears of […]
Clean up after Canada Day
This long weekend Canada celebrates its 150th birthday, and what better way to celebrate than by having a party. Whether you’re planning a picnic, a day at the beach or a barbecue with friends, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID are here to provide you with cleaning tips to ensure your Canada Day celebrations go […]
How Often should you Clean Various Items in your Home?
Summer compels us all to throw open the windows, clear out the clutter and scrub clean every visible surface. But what if you could keep the items in your home clean all year round? The solution is quite simple. It’s all about frequency of cleaning. Some items in your home can be cleaned less frequently, […]
Stop: Gym Equipment Alert
If you’re an avid gym goer, squats and bench presses aren’t the only thing you should be thinking about when you’re at the gym. According to a study, the equipment found at the gym is a lot dirtier than you think. In fact, after swabbing 27 pieces of gym equipment, at three different facilities, researchers found […]
Are your Window Screens Ready for Summer?
Before throwing open your windows this summer make sure your window screens are nice and clean. Here’s how to clean them. Dusty screens: Remove your window screens from the windows. Run a lint roller over the front and back of your window screens 2-3 times to remove any dust, fuzz and dirt. Place the screen […]
3 Surprising Bathroom Cleaners
Mouth Wash: Due to its anti-bacterial properties, mouthwash can be used to clean your toilet bowl. Pour ¼ cup of mouthwash into the bowl and let it sit for 30 minutes. While you wait, combine ½ a cup of mouthwash with 1 cup of warm water into a spray bottle, and spray the exterior of […]
Five Simple Habits for a Tidier Home
If you want to achieve a tidier home, once and for all, look no further. The following habits will help you achieve the neat and organized home you’ve always wanted. Here’s how: Wake up early In most homes, early mornings provide little to no distractions. Phones aren’t ringing, and your children and pets are fast asleep. […]
New Cleaning Rituals to Reduce Allergies
For many Canadians, a runny nose, watery eyes and perpetual sneezing are sure signs that spring has arrived. Although pollen and dander contribute to our seasonal allergies, it’s the dust and mold in our homes, that are the hardest to mitigate. These cleaning tips will help you manage the dust in your home, reducing allergy […]
Clean your Dishwasher like a Pro.
Have you ever cleaned your dishwasher; whether by hand or on a self-cleaning cycle? If the answer is no, you should try it! Most people think that the dishwasher gets ‘cleaned’ during every wash cycle, however that isn’t the case. Over time, our dishwasher becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, due to the […]
Kids vs. Cleaning – Getting them to Clean their Room
Are your kids constantly making a mess in their room? If so, you’re not alone! The best course of action is to provide structure around cleaning their room, to help your kids get on-board. Here’s how: 1) Use photos to show what is acceptable Conduct a quick internet search to find photos of a before […]