Resolutions 2.0: Stack New Habits's featured image

Welcome to February! The time of year when gyms are packed and salads are all the rage. Truth be told, one month in, many people are on the brink of dropping their New Year’s resolutions. Fear not fellow resolutionaries! It’s time for Resolutions 2.0: the upgrade your habits have been waiting for.

We all know that household chores are the unsung heroes of our daily routines. They’re like mini-workouts for our homes. So, why not turn these necessary tasks into a fun and effective way to achieve your goals?

Laundry Lunges

Upgrade your laundry routine by indulging in some lunges, squats and bicep curls while waiting for the cycles to finish. It’s a win-win: clean clothes and stronger glutes!

Dishwashing Dance Party

Turn the mundane task of doing dishes into a dance-off. Pick your favourite upbeat tunes and bust a move. Before you know it, the dishes will be done, and you’ll have burned quite a few calories. We’ve got 10 playlists to get you started.

Declutter Dash

For one week, set a timer for 3, 5, or 10 minutes and see how much clutter you can clear out. Make it a game and challenge yourself to find a home for everything that’s just lying around. A clutter-free space is a clutter-free mind! Not sure where to get started, here’s some of our most popular decluttering tips.

Vacuum Vinyasa

Add some yoga postures to your vacuuming route. Downward dog and reverse triangle your way across the living room, and you’ll have a spotless floor and improved flexibility.

Nighttime Nirvana

Sleep hygiene is all the rage these days, and understandably so, consistent sleep is necessary for our health. But walking into a messy room and trying to tuck yourself into an unmade bed can completely ruin the mood. Making your bed every morning will set you up for a great day and night.

Rinse & Repeat

The simple trick to making all these tweaks stick is consistency. You wouldn’t skip brushing your teeth or taking out the trash, right? Add these new lifestyle tweaks to your daily non-negotiables and you’ll have conquered the resolution relapse.



Photo by Windows on Unsplash