Fall Yard Work 911

Yard work can be tough, especially in the fall when the excitement and anticipation have passed. A bit like cleaning up after a party. That is unless you have a few tricks up your sleeve -and we found some! Fall Yard Cleanup Tricks of the Trade While the leaves may still be on the trees, […]

Organize Your Closet Like a Kardashian

Swapping out shorts and tees for bulky sweaters and jeans is not an easy task. It takes skill to do it well, and a few tips from the pros like Kim K doesn’t hurt. Refresh Your Closet Like the Hollywood Elite Superstar Kim Kardashian started her rise to fame by organizing closets. It’s true. Years […]

The Best Step-by-Step Guide to Canning

There’s a crispness in the air that tells us to prepare for winter. Have you felt it? If so, grab your apron and follow us into the kitchen to preserve this summer’s harvest! How to Take the Taste of Summer into Winter Have you noticed how busy squirrels are this time of year? Preparations for […]

How to Throw a Howl-errific Halloween Party!

Skipping Halloween during the pandemic was hard on kids of all ages. So, this year, why not celebrate with a party? MOLLY MAID has some tips to keep it simple but scary! Tips for Hosting the Best Halloween Haunt The past few Halloweens have seen a different kind of fear, one that has been anything […]

5 Popular Indoor Hanging Plants You Need this Winter

Perfect for small spaces, the macrame hanging pot fad is back! But, not all plants were made to hang. Here are a few of our favourites! Home decor trends this year saw the return of the hanging plant. Magazines were filled with multiple options from the minimalistic wire hanging pots to the more decorative macrame […]

How Do I Clean My Air Fryer?

I finally gave in and bought an air fryer for the family! Such a great purchase and we’ve discovered some great new recipes, but cleaning it is a challenge. Any tips? You asked, and we answered! How Do I Clean My Air Fryer? Air fryers are the new kitchen must-haves as they offer a healthier […]

How to Clean A Waffle Iron

We bought a waffle maker for my husband on Father’s Day. It’s been used every weekend since. Any tips for keeping it clean? You asked, and we answered! It’s easy with a few tips from MOLLY MAID Canada. Gadgets like a waffle iron can transform breakfast from the ordinary to the extraordinary – until it’s […]

How to Clean Toe & Foot Marks from Sandals

I love wearing sandals, but after a few weeks of wearing them, they have dirty toe marks. Is there anything I can do to get the footbed back to its original state? You asked, we answered! How Do I Clean Toe & Foot Dirt Off My Sandals? Most shoe junkies love summer. It’s the season […]

8 Delicious Bento Box Lunch Creations

The dreaded school lunch doesn’t have to be so boring. Ditch the sandwich for something new. A bento box brings a world of wonder to the lunch room. Simple Bento Box Lunch Solutions Sick of sandwiches? We hear ya. So, change it up and create a different kind of lunch. While not a new food […]

Creative Natural Gnat Trap for your Home

Fruit flies and gnats can be a pest this time of year. Before you reach for the apple cider vinegar and dish soap, why not try a new trick? This trap is much more pleasing to the eye! How to Build the Best Fruit Fly Trap Teeny tiny but oh so irritating, we’ve entered the […]

Top 4 Spaces to Clean Out this Month

Top 4 Spaces to Clean Out this Month   The Pantry As summer winds down, it’s the perfect time to sort through your kitchen cabinets. Pull everything out of your pantry and give the shelves a good wash (a favourite breeding grounding for house moths). Then, sort through the contents of your pantry. This is […]

5 Strategies for a Successful Return to School

5 Strategies for a Successful Return to School   In a few short weeks, kids will be heading back to school! Backpacks, lunch bags, sneakers and notebooks will be hauled out of storage or bought new to be labeled and organized for the first day. This fall promises kids a full school experience, so make […]

7 Steps to Minimize Pet Mess on Floors

7 Steps to Minimize Pet Mess on Floors   Post-covid pet ownership is on the rise. A recent survey shows that 73% of all Canadian households now have a pet, more than 15% pre-covid! Life is better with a furry friend, but they’re also notorious for getting dirty. From piles of fur to muddy paw […]

New Ways to Improve Your Recycling System

New Ways to Improve Your Recycling System   Recycling has been a focus for eco-conscious Canadians for over 40 years. Surprised? Well, we’ve come a long way and much has changed during that time. Knowledge has been gained, systems improved and some manufacturers have come on board. Yet the urgency to reduce waste is still […]

Even a Toddler Can Be Taught Good Table Manners

Even a Toddler Can Be Taught Good Table Manners   Food is an amazing toy for toddlers. Much of what you serve them is squeezed, dropped, and flicked all over the place, in turn it hardens and dries into the high chair’s seams, behind cushions and between straps. It gets super messy fast! Keeping a […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.