Six New Uses for Dental Floss from the Cleaning Experts at MOLLY MAID

Dental floss is a wonderful thing… using it every day helps to keep your teeth squeaky clean and your gums healthy! But you can use dental floss for all kinds of other things. It’s so strong, and these tips from the maid service experts at MOLLY MAID are ingenious! 1. ‘Un-stick’ a photograph: If you […]

The Secrets of Honey

Honey is one of those amazing gifts of nature (did you know that bees have to visit two million flowers just to provide us with one pound of honey?) While it tastes wonderful in tea and baked goods, honey has been used medicinally for centuries too. Take a look at the many uses of honey […]

How to Pack for your Vacation: MOLLY MAID can help!

Packing is one of the toughest part of going on vacation. Read as experts from Molly Maid discuss some tips to help you pack more efficiently for your vacation!

10 Ways Fresh Lemons Work to Clean your House

Learn as cleaning experts at Molly Maid explain how lemons can be great as a cleaning tool. Submit a service inquiry for an in-house cleaning estimate today!

Get Ready for Summer: 5 Must-Do Cleaning Chores

Here’s a checklist from the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID to help you organize summer time cleaning.

Amazing New Uses For Dryer Sheets from MOLLY MAID

Molly Maid, your local cleaning experts, share amazing unconventional uses for dryer sheets to help you out in your home. Visit us online for more information!

Garden Plants That May Harm Your Pets – MOLLY MAID Provides a List

A Garden can add colour to your home, but experts from MOLLY MAID caution you on the common plants that are toxic to animals. Contact our cleaning experts today!

How to Keep Your Pet Squeaky Clean! MOLLY MAID Provides Some Tips

Read as experts from Molly Maid discuss how to make bath time more enjoyable for your pet. Get an in-home cleaning estimate from your local Molly Maid today.

More Household Tips and Tricks from the Cleaning Service Experts at MOLLY MAID

Learn as expert cleaners from Molly Maid provide solutions to some of your household organization issues. Submit a service inquiry for a cleaning estimate today!

Scratched Table? Here’s How to Fix it, Plus Other Cleaning Tips and Tricks from MOLLY MAID

Experts from Molly Maid provide some tips to solve the little problems that you face when cleaning your home. Call us for a high quality cleaning service today!

Breakfast of Champions

If you have trouble waking up in the morning, consider your breakfast choices. Molly Maid discusses what makes a good breakfast to jump-start your day!

Organize your House… and your Life! Simple Tricks from MOLLY MAID

Make your life a little easier by better organizing your house with tips from your cleaning experts at Molly Maid. Visit us to find your local Molly Maid today!

Mother’s Day Gift to Mom: Clean the House! MOLLY MAID gives more quick cleaning ideas

Cleaning experts from Molly Maid provide some more Mother’s Day cleaning tips that will put a smile on your mom’s face. Visit us online for more information!

Clean the House as your Mother’s Day Gift to Mom

Celebrate Mother’s Day by cleaning the house for your mom with the tips provided by experts from Molly Maid. Contact us for an in-home cleaning estimate today!

Find New Storage Space you didn’t know you had

Having trouble decluttering? Read for some great storage tips and tricks from the cleaning services experts at Molly Maid. Submit a service inquiry today!

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.