Seasonal Scents for your Home

Seasonal Scents for your Home   Our olfactory senses are powerful. A quick whiff can trigger a memory or evoke seasonal ambience in seconds. Fall, in particular, has some distinct aromas. Essential oils with hints of cinnamon, cloves, bergamot and cranberry, instantly fill your home with the smells of freshly baked pie and warm apple […]

3 Helpful Hacks for the Laundry Room

3 Helpful Hacks for the Laundry Room   Laundry is a never-ending cycle, especially if you have a big family. Studies show the average Canadian household does about 400 loads of laundry a year! Extrapolate that further to the number of socks lost during the same period and you’ll be dumbfounded – where do they […]

A Simple Guide to Eco-Friendly Cleaning

A Simple Guide to Eco-Friendly Cleaning   Eco-friendly cleaning, also called green cleaning, simply means cleaning without the use of toxic chemicals – no bleach, no antibacterial soap, no aerosol air fresheners and no ammonia. It’s cleaning with kindness to those you live with (people and pets) and the world at large. Making the switch […]

Razor Care and Maintenance

Razor Care and Maintenance   The art of hair removal has a far reaching and colourful past. It’s said that men in the stone age plucked their facial hair with animal teeth, sharp flints or clam shells. This was considered a safety precaution so they couldn’t be grabbed by the enemy during battles. The ancient […]

Getting Your Pet Ready for Autumn

Getting Your Pet Ready for Autumn   Nothing beats a walk on a sunny day in October. The crisp cool air and the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot is magical for people and their pets. As the temperatures dip, sweaters are pulled from storage and socks and shoes replace sandals. Seasonal tweaks to our routine […]

Stop! Don’t Rake Leaves this Fall!

Stop! Don’t Rake Leaves this Fall!   Autumn’s palette of red, yellow and orange transform trees into art, until they fall. Then they just spread across lawns, sidewalks and city streets before making it into bags for city-wide collection. Over the past few years, this tradition has been questioned. To rake or not to rake? […]

She’s Back! Marie Kondo Keeps Re-Organizing Us

She’s Back! Marie Kondo Keeps Re-Organizing Us   Marie Kondo’s new show, Sparking Joy, hit Netflix last month, and we couldn’t be more excited. In the 1st season, Kondo sets her sights on helping people clean up at work. Of course, the KonMari method goes much deeper than organizing objects, it often reaches her clients […]

September Brings Back Routine

Fall Brings Back Routine   The carefree days of summer are fading, the kids are back to school and there’s a slight chill in the air. But don’t let the change of season get you down. Fall is magical. Think autumn leaves, chunky sweaters, hikes in the woods, stylish boots, and pumpkin spiced lattes. Embrace […]

What’s with the Hole in Your Spaghetti Spoon?

What’s with the Hole in Your Spaghetti Spoon?   To drain or to measure? The purpose behind the hole in your spaghetti spoon has garnered great interest online. The assumption by Team Drain is that the hole is there to drain any leftover residual water when serving up steaming bowls of pasta. This makes sense […]

MOLLY MAID UK and the 4 Ns

MOLLY MAID UK and the 4 Ns   Our colleagues across the pond recently identified some “clean living” strategies we just had to share! Next time you head to the grocery store, keep the 4 Ns in mind to ensure you’re buying the freshest and healthiest food for your family. Natural Nutrition experts recommend that […]

Bird Bath Maintenance a Must Late Summer

Bird Bath Maintenance a Must Late Summer   Calling all ornithologists, birdwatchers, and twitchers! Having a birdbath in your backyard is a surefire way to attract more birds as all birds need a clean water source. But, a dirty birdbath can do more harm than good. Stagnant, contaminated water can harbour unhealthy concentrations of bacteria […]

Back-to-School Stain Solutions

Back-to-School Stain Solutions   Heading back to school can be a mix of emotions for both kids and their parents. Excitement and fear are often the most common as kids head out on their own and parents hold their breath that everything goes well. Remind kids not to “sweat the small stuff”, as the experts […]

The Secret to Beautiful Tiles

The Secret to Beautiful Tiles   Whether your tiles are imported, hand-painted or bought online, they impact the look and feel of your room. Some tiles make a bold statement with shape and colour, while others may contribute more subtly, maintaining serenity and clean lines. Whichever style you prefer, knowing how to keep them clean […]

Troubleshooting Common Composting Problems

Troubleshooting Common Composting Problems   Maintaining a healthy compost heap can be a challenge, but most garden enthusiasts find it well worth the effort. Good compost is the foundation of any successful garden. It adds nutrients to the soil and helps it to retain water, both of which help plants to grow. Finished compost, often […]

7 Tips to Keep Your Dorm Room Tidy

7 Tips to Keep Your Dorm Room Tidy   Starting university or college is a big step! Adding a move away from home makes an even more daunting experience. One of the biggest challenges for many will be living in a small space with a roommate or two. Keeping your dorm room neat and tidy […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.