The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
The Lowdown on Paint Clean-up
While washing walls and doorway trims is one way to clean things up for the holidays, sometimes you have to “cheat” with a little bit of paint. Here’s a guide to cleaning up while you’re painting, and tidying up once you’re done. Paint on Clothing To remove latex paint (water-based), scrape off excess paint and […]
Dog Crate Advice: How to get it Clean
Dogs are loveable – and sometimes a big mess, usually bringing home all kinds of dirt when they come in from a walk. If your dog has a crate in the house, it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean it at least once a season. Here are a few simple tips: Step 1: Get it […]
Can I put that into the Dishwasher?
Thank goodness for dishwashers. They’re a wonderful time saver, and they’re a great place to ‘store’ dirty dishes when you need to clean up the kitchen. But you can’t put everything into a dishwasher. Here’s a guide: WOOD Wooden Utensils: The hot water and heat for drying is too harsh for mixing spoons, spatulas or any other […]
Shortbread Cookies: From Start to Delicious – and then a Clean Finish!
It’s that time of the year when everyone’s baking cookies and making a mess in the kitchen. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to making shortbread cookies and keeping the kitchen and the baking area and pans nice and clean in the process. PREPARE THE KITCHEN: Tidy the kitchen first. Remove any packaging, paper, pens, […]
Heat Stain on your Wooden Table
It happens to the best of us. You put your mug of hot coffee on the table without thinking – and when you pick it up, there’s a white heat mark left behind. One of the most popular home remedies requires a hot iron and a piece of cloth. Here’s what you do: Set a […]
Six Neat Ways a Cotton Ball can Help you Clean
Believe it or not, cotton balls are more than just an essential part of a pedicure. In fact, these little fluff balls can be quite handy when it comes to cleaning jobs around the home. In the fridge: If your fridge doesn’t smell fresh, dampen a cotton ball with vanilla extract, place it on a […]
House Plants: A Silent Partner in Keeping your Home Clean
House plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but did you know that some types of plants are also good at filtering out toxins and pollutants from the air? According to research conducted by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), here is a list of plants that can help filter the air: Ferns (Boston and […]
Stickers be Gone
Whether they are on your new bowls, plates, your walls or windows, stickers can be a pesky item to remove. The professional cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID have you covered! Here’s a guide to help you remove even the toughest stickers. Dishes: First, try to peel off as much of the sticker as possible. If […]
Use your Vacuum Cleaner for More than your Floors
The vacuum cleaner is the best invention since sliced bread! Not only do they help keep your carpets and floors dust and dirt free, but they can also help clean other areas in your home. Vacuums come with several attachments that can help you clean, even the toughest areas of your home. Here’s how: The […]
Fog Solutions: All the better to see you
The lenses of your glasses are subject to dirt, fingerprints, dust, hair products and pollution on a daily basis. The good news is, that with a little bit of dish soap, warm water and a clean, microfibre cloth, you can keep your glasses clean and functional all year round! With the colder weather upon us […]
Boo: How to Clean up Scary Stains
Along with lots of sweet treats and fun, Halloween always brings interesting cleaning challenges, like candy stains and gunk from your pumpkins – not to mention those devilish trick or treaters! Here’s a rundown of how to clean up common Halloween spills: Candy kisses on your rug. First, scrape off any excess candy. Mix a few […]
Six Cleaning Secrets that will make your House Look Cleaner
1. Scents. When your home smells cleaner, it feels cleaner too. As the fall weather gets colder, you can’t necessarily keep windows open to freshen up the air, so use a few tricks to keep the air smelling fresh; use scented dryer sheets in cupboards that need a fresh boost. Use natural products whenever possible; […]
It’s Not Garbage: How to Clean Garbage Cans
It’s a good idea to give garbage, recycling, and other garbage and compost containers a good clean a few times a year. Plan this chore for before the snow falls this year. Here’s a guide: Small trash cans can be put in the dishwasher for easy cleaning. Your small compost container can go into the dishwasher as […]
The One Big Mistake you make when Cleaning your Bedroom
Experts say the most neglected part of a bedroom is the floor – and in many cases, that means the carpet. There is a lot more dirt in the carpet than an occasional once-over with the vacuum can deal with. Dirt, germs and dead skin (from you) often burrow deep into your carpet. Here’s how […]
Declutter your Fridge
Here are some ways to organize the fridge so that you know where foods and condiments are hiding, and what leftovers and other foods should be eaten now – or added to your compost. USE SQUARE PLASTIC CONTAINERS for leftovers and other food. Square containers versus round ones are stackable and keep things tidy. Also, […]