Time to Clean-up your Sleep Habits

Having trouble sleeping? If so, it may be time to change your sleeping routine. Here are five ways to clean-up your sleeping habits to ensure a better sleep. Get rid of electronics: If you fall asleep to a TV show, or sleep with your cellphone on your bedside table, you’ll likely find it difficult to […]

Clean Sweep: Yard Sale Best Sellers

Spring is the perfect time to declutter your home and put those old, rarely used household items in a garage sale! Here is a list of must-have sale items that are guaranteed to sell quickly. Landscaping tools & equipment: Leaf blowers, lawnmowers and gardening tools are great items to sell at a garage sale. Whether […]

Five Simple Habits for a Tidier Home

If you want to achieve a tidier home, once and for all, look no further. The following habits will help you achieve the neat and organized home you’ve always wanted. Here’s how: Wake up early  In most homes, early mornings provide little to no distractions. Phones aren’t ringing, and your children and pets are fast asleep. […]

New Cleaning Rituals to Reduce Allergies

For many Canadians, a runny nose, watery eyes and perpetual sneezing are sure signs that spring has arrived. Although pollen and dander contribute to our seasonal allergies, it’s the dust and mold in our homes, that are the hardest to mitigate. These cleaning tips will help you manage the dust in your home, reducing allergy […]

Clean your Dishwasher like a Pro.

Have you ever cleaned your dishwasher; whether by hand or on a self-cleaning cycle? If the answer is no, you should try it! Most people think that the dishwasher gets ‘cleaned’ during every wash cycle, however that isn’t the case. Over time, our dishwasher becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, due to the […]

Six New Uses for Rubber Bands

Often taken for granted, the humble rubber band is one of the most useful inventions ever made. Patented in England in 1845 by Stephen Perry, the rubber band was originally developed to hold papers and envelopes together in a tidy bundle. Of course, it didn’t take long for people to realize the full extent of […]

Magnetic Ironing Mats to the Rescue!

No matter who you ask, ironing is one of those chores we typically all try to avoid. We rarely ever dig out that chunky, awkward ironing board, to give our clothing a quick iron. If only there was a more convenient way to iron your clothing. Well, look no further! Thanks to the brilliant mind […]

Kids vs. Cleaning – Getting them to Clean their Room

Are your kids constantly making a mess in their room? If so, you’re not alone! The best course of action is to provide structure around cleaning their room, to help your kids get on-board.  Here’s how: 1) Use photos to show what is acceptable Conduct a quick internet search to find photos of a before […]

Give your Mother’s Day Brunch a Touch of Charm

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate and acknowledge all the wonderful things our moms have done for us! This year, show mom just how much you truly appreciate her, by hosting a beautiful Mother’s Day brunch. Whether you host a full meal, or a tea party and snacks, there’s no shortage of beautiful décor […]

Drying Racks 101

For one reason or another, throwing a load of laundry into the dryer isn’t always an option. Whether your dryer is on the fritz, or the laundromat is closed, or you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly drying option, there are endless solutions that can help you dry your clothes without the use of a […]

Three New Uses for Shoe Organizers

No matter how hard we try, it’s difficult to keep the odds and ends in our home neat and tidy. The good news is, you don’t need to be a professional minimalist to tackle these messes. All you need are a few hanging shoe organizers. Their structured pockets make them the ideal home for any […]

Animal House: How to Dissuade Animals from making your Yard a Home

Now that the snow has melted and the air is warm, your backyard becomes more and more appealing to outdoor animals, such as squirrels, skunks and racoons, to hunker down and make a home. Here are some cleaning and home maintenance tips that will help you dissuade these little creatures from making your back yard […]

Kids Stuff: Tackling Food Stains One Day at a Time

Kids will be kids, food spills and all, but removing food stains from their clothing shouldn’t be a daunting task. Here are some tricks to keep up your sleeve for the next time you are faced with a tough food spill. Ketchup: Gently rub liquid detergent into the stain and soak the garment in cool water for […]

What do your Cleaning Habits Really Say about you?

Cleaning has more benefits than just a tidy home. In fact, cleaning has many psychological benefits as well. Here are the typical reasons why we clean and what our cleaning habits say about personality and psyche. Reason one: I like having a clean home with things organized and in their place. You clean for the […]

Time to Save your Wooden Floors

Our wooden floors often take quite a beating during the winter months. No matter how hard we try, water, snow and salt always seem to find their way throughout our homes, and onto our wooden floors during the winter. Now that spring is here, these floor cleaners and strategies will help bring your wooden floors […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.