Mountain Bike Clean-up

What better way to spend your summer than by travelling along off-road paths and trails on your mountain bike. If the trail is muddy, all the more challenging and fun. But muck, dust particles and dirt should be cleaned off once you’re home, to ensure your bike remains in good working condition. Here’s how: Start […]

How to Clean the BBQ without a Wire Brush

You’ve probably heard the dangers of individuals accidentally ingesting the metal bristles of their wire BBQ brush. This can happen when the small, sharp bristles break off the wire brush during cleaning and get stuck in the food that is being grilled. Protect yourself and your family, ditch that wire brush once and for all, […]

Air Conditioner Check-up

Does your window air conditioner (AC) have water trickling down its grates? Does the air coming out of the unit seem less cold than earlier in the season? If so, there could be a problem with your air conditioning filter. The filters in your AC unit must be cleaned at least once a month to […]

How Clean is your Bar of Soap?

Not very clean, if you can believe it. In fact, germs actually live and breed on the surface of your soap. Who knew? While it’s unlikely that these germs will make you ill, there are ways to deter bacteria from growing on your bar of soap: Before lathering up with a bar of soap, rinse […]

Leaving on a Jet Plane?

Plane travel is often essential to get to that sought-after, much needed vacation destination. Although exciting, sharing a confined space with a number of people, can result in an increased number of germs. Leave the germs on the plane by taking preventative measures and familiarizing yourself with the top germ hot spots on an airplane. […]

Simple Solutions for Bathroom Odour

Need to freshen up the air in your bathroom? Here are some helpful tips to get you started. Use a commercial product such as ‘Poo-Pourri’ or ‘Lemon Doo Drops Toilet Odour Eliminating Tablets’ before you use the washroom. These products will help combat any bathroom odours. Make your own odour eliminator. In a spray bottle, combine […]

Baking Soda: The Unsung Cleaning Hero

Baking soda may just be the most versatile cleaning product in your home. Often used for baking or absorbing odour, it has many additional purposes and has been used for generations. In fact, in 3500 BCE, the Ancient Egyptians used baking soda as a cleaning and mummification agent. In addition to cooking and odour prevention, baking […]

Make your Summer Rental your Home Away from

Vacation rentals can be a hit or miss. In photos, it may look like the vacation home of your dreams, but when you arrive, it quickly becomes evident that the home hasn’t been well kept.  That’s why it’s always a good idea to pack a simple travel cleaning kit, equipped with microfibre cloths, a plant-base […]

Prepare your Home to Sell Fast!

There’s no denying that summer offers all the bells and whistles needed for the successful sale of your home. Between the beautiful, fragrant gardens; open windows and birds chirping, summer provides the optimal atmosphere for house hunting. Not to mention, buyers are naturally more at ease when they are house hunting in flip-flops rather than […]

The Dirty Little Secret to Cleaning Copper

If you’re like most people, you’re probably unsure of how to effectively clean your copper pots. Sound, about right? Well, you’re not alone! The cleaning method is actually quite simple. The secret ingredient to cleaning copper pots is grease; elbow grease that is, and a mix of sea salt, white vinegar and water. Step one: […]

Lemon Aid to the Rescue

Concentrated lemon juice works wonders when cleaning your home. Whether you have a smelly tea towel, or rusty cutlery, concentrated lemon juice coupled with these easy tips will help you cut through the odour and grime to restore your items to their natural state. Here’s how: Hand towels After hosting a dinner party, the last […]

Scrub n’ Scour like you Mean it!

Whether you’re dealing with a dull stainless-steel sink, layers of grime on your patio table, or caffeine stained mugs, the only way you’ll see results is if you scrub them like you mean it! Here’s how: Stainless-steel Sink Your sink endures a lot of wear and tear, yet, it’s often the element in your home that […]

Declutter your Bookshelf like a Pro

In most homes, the bookshelf aspires to be a fruitful library. Atop its shelves are your favourite novels, biographies, history books and books on your ‘to read’ list. Over time however; these shelves turn into a permanent residence for your travel souvenirs, heirlooms and nick knacks. Instead of an aspiring library, your bookshelf suddenly becomes […]

Add a Little Feng Shui to your Patio

According to the experts, using the principles of Feng Shui in your patio design will help promote harmony and success in all areas of life. It will also make outdoor living that much more comfortable and easy too. The philosophy of Feng Shui emphasizes the free flow of energy by making your space clutter free. […]

Hats Off to Clean

Hats are a popular accessory during the summer, and as such, it’s important to give them a good cleaning every once in a while, to keep them in pristine condition. Here are some guidelines. Baseball & Fabric Hats: These caps often get sweaty and dirty during the summer. The perfect solution for getting them clean […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.