The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
Five Winter Projects to Spruce up your Home
While spring, summer and fall had you working on all your outdoor tasks, the winter season is the perfect time to focus on those indoor chores that have been sitting on your to-do list. Here are five projects that will help spruce up your home – and keep you busy, this winter season: 1) Upgrade […]
Check List: While you’re Away
If you’re scheduling a vacation this winter, and plan on designating a house-sitting service to watch your home, this simple checklist will help you get prepared and ensure your house-sitter has everything they need. Prepare a folder of important information. The folder should include the House Sitting Agreement (if you have one), your contact information […]
How Safe is your Identity?
According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, identity theft refers to the preparatory stage of acquiring and collecting someone else’s personal information for criminal purposes. Although identity theft may seem unlikely, it is crucial to take preventative measures in order to protect yourself. The most effective way to dispose of sensitive or personal information is […]
Give a Little, Get a Lot
Looking to put a little magic into your holidays? There are lots of different ways you can volunteer and help others during the holiday season. Giving to others makes you feel good, and volunteering is something you can do with your family, friends or even by yourself. Here are some suggestions: Volunteer at a shelter: […]
Cookie Exchange
Hosting a cookie swap is a great way to get together with friends and family – and of course, to load up on baked treats for the entire holiday season. Once everyone has arrived and all cookies are on display, invite guests to fill their take-home box with an assortment of cookies. Here’s a step-by-step […]
Oh Christmas Tree!
Having a decorated tree in the house is a wonderful way to celebrate the season. There’s often a family tradition around getting the tree and, of course, decorating it. What would Christmas morning be without one? In recent years, artificial trees have become more popular; however, there are definitely advantages for selecting each type of […]
5 Genius Ways to Organize for the Holidays
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, getting ready for the holidays can be an ideal time to re-organize and de-clutter your home. The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest following these simple tips to help get you organized. Go through your seasonal decorations as you pull them out to decorate. Is it time […]
Simple Homemade Christmas Gifts
The professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID recommend getting crafty this holiday season, by making these trendy gifts for that special someone! Vinyl Record Bookends Materials: Old vinyl records Baking pan Kettle of boiling water 8” x 8” bamboo cutting board How to: Select a record, and determine which side of the record you […]
Keeping Colds at Bay
Tis’ the season for catching the common cold! While it may be tempting to reach for the usual over- the-counter medicine, MOLLY MAID suggests trying these homemade remedies to help alleviate your cold symptoms this winter. Congestion: Hot Ginger Tea Hot ginger tea is a great remedy for congestion. The aromatic parts in ginger, called […]
Beat the Ironing Beast!
Ironing may not be the most enticing item on your to-do list; however, the residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest trying these tips to help minimize the hassle. Location: Use your bedroom as your main ironing hub. This will prevent you from having to bring your clothes from one room to another. Consider hanging your […]
What’s that Sound?
What’s that Sound? Stop and take a moment to listen. What sounds do you hear in your home? While the quiet ticking of your living room clock is one thing, other items in your home may be making a racket. The great thing is, you can actually minimize or turn off some of these sounds […]
As the Snow Falls: How to Make Tracks with Cleaning Chores
Unexpected snow day? Use the time to focus on a few cleaning chores that make sense when you’re stuck indoors. Here are professional house cleaning tips from the house cleaners at MOLLY MAID.
Why you Should Care about Mattress Care
Here are a few tips from the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID to help keep your mattress in the best and most comfortable shape.
A Fresh Start in the Kitchen
Now is the perfect time to clean and reorganize the kitchen pantry and cupboards so foods are fresh and you can find everything when you need it. Here’s how.
Protect your Pets this Winter
There’s nothing like tossing snowballs into the air for your dog on a beautiful winter’s day, but it’s important to remember that despite the fur coat, pets need to be protected from the whole blast of wintry problems.