Molly Maid’s Top 5 New Year Cleaning Resolutions

Molly Maid’s Top 5 New Year Cleaning Resolutions     There’s a lot of pressure when it comes to New Year Resolutions. Promises to eat better, exercise regularly and get more sleep are noble, but we don’t stick to them for long. This year, aim higher, we guarantee a few cleaning resolutions will be more […]

‘Tis the Season of Festive Scents!

‘Tis the Season of Festive Scents!   You can instantly make a space festive with the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies, mulled wine or the forestry freshness of balsam fir. While decorations are nice, appealing to our olfactory memory is much more effective!   Fresh Greenery Nothing’s more festive than boughs of pine, cedar […]

Bring Old Boots Back to Life in 4 Easy Steps

Bring Old Boots Back to Life in 4 Easy Steps   Boot season is here! Tall or short, black or brown, flat or high heeled, leather boots are a must-have fashion staple once the weather cools. In fact, once the snow begins to fall, they soon become less a fashion accessory, than a much-needed piece […]

Get a Better Burn with a Little Candle Know-how

Get a Better Burn with a Little Candle Know-how   Let’s be honest, nothing better sets the mood than a flickering candle or two. It warms the soul whether you’re curled up on the couch with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa, snuggled in for a family movie marathon on a Sunday […]

A Simple Guide to Cleaning Your Winter Jacket

A Simple Guide to Cleaning Your Winter Jacket October is the perfect time of year to pull winter coats from storage to get them clean, and to ensure that zippers, clasps and hoods are winter ready. Inspect each one carefully for any wear and tear that might need mending. Once they’re mended, the cleaning experts […]

Indoor Plants to Fend off February Blues

Longing for spring already? If lush green grass, colourful flowers and the sun’s warmth are all but a distant memory, consider a trip to the nearest botanical gardens. It may be just what’s needed to fight winter doldrums. Better yet, bring the tropics home! Studies show that plants make us feel better, help us increase […]

Let the Snow Put the Fun into Your Family Day

Family Day is celebrated on the second or third Monday of February (depending on the province). First launched in Alberta in 1990, and now celebrated in most provinces across the country, there are endless family festivals and organized events to mark the day. Outdoor activities top our list and we’ve compiled our favourite outdoor winter […]

Keep Colds and Flus Away from the Office

Feel like your office is stuck in a never-ending cycle of sickness? Somewhat unavoidable this time of year, your co-workers’ endless coughing and sniffling can become a dreaded playlist. If you’ve had a flu shot, you may be well-armed to fight the virus head on. If not, here’s some advice and a few guidelines to […]

Road Salt Can Create a Slippery Slope

It’s so important for everyone’s safety to salt sidewalks, stairs and driveways in the winter. But sadly, the overuse of road salt has become a critical threat to our freshwater and wildlife. Road salt contains chloride, which is toxic to the environment. While it melts slippery ice conditions, the runoff seeps into the soil, flows […]

How to Properly Care for your Wools & Tweeds

Find out the best ways to take care of your wool and tweed clothing that will maximize their lifetime potential!

How to Clean up your Winter Lips

Winter in Canada is a peculiar phenomenon: our homes can be clean as can be, our finances are in order, we can be eating healthy and getting a good night’s sleep, and yet there’s still something that doesn’t feel quite right. The problem: our skin. Freezing cold weeks, wicked winds and extra high thermostats take […]

Cleaning Resolutions for the New Year

Sticking to New Year’s resolutions can often be a challenge. But, typically, the challenge lies in the scope of the resolution rather than the task itself. This year, what about focusing your efforts on five cleaning resolutions that will benefit the whole household? Schedule it! Grab a pen and your old-school paper calendar, laptop, or […]

Week One of a New Year, Make it Count!

Ready to become a go-getter in 2019? Here’s your house beautiful to-do list. 3-2-1 and go! Tree Down and Out If your Christmas tree is real, you don’t need any more incentive to bid it adieu than the endless deluge of dead pine needles falling everywhere. Of course it’s hard to say goodbye to the […]

Book Review: Plenty – Vibrant Vegetable Recipes from London’s Ottolenghi

The holidays can be stressful. What with office parties, hosting family and friends, the extra cleaning, the stress on our wallets, and don’t forget the concern over possible food sensitivities. There are endless cookbooks dedicated to gluten-free, vegan, keto and zero-sugar diets, but very few celebrate a little of everything as well as Yotam Ottolenghi’s […]

Fa La La La La, Festive Mantle Makeover!

Now that the mantlepiece is sparkling clean, tis the season to deck the halls! Whether gas, electric or wood burning, the hearth is the heart of the home. Here are a few tips to enhance your creative mantle decorating efforts: Beware of Clutter Remove everyday items from the mantle to make way for festive ones. Box […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.