The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.
Pumpkin Party
If you’re looking to host a Halloween inspired street party for the families in your area, a pumpkin party is a great way to do so. Here’s a guide to help you prepare your fun-filled pumpkin party: Organize your pumpkin party in the afternoon on Halloween. Host the party in your backyard and hand deliver […]
Draft-proof your Home
As winter gets closer, it’s important to draft-proof your home to keep the warm air inside and the cold air out. The professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest trying these helpful tips to get your home ready for the cold months ahead. Hold a lit candle in front of your window to test […]
Is your Furnace Ready for the Cold Weather?
Before winter arrives, it’s important to ensure that your furnace is ready for the cold months ahead. Contact your local maintenance professional to schedule a standard inspection to make sure everything is working correctly. In order to keep your furnace operating efficiently after inspection, the professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest these helpful […]
Just Add Salt
We often forget that salt can be used for a lot more than just cooking. Good old fashioned table salt can also be used for cleaning. The professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID recommend using salt to clean these household items: A greasy pan: Sprinkle a little bit of salt onto the pan and […]
Do your Carpets need to be Professionally Cleaned?
This simple quiz will help you determine whether or not your carpets need to be professionally cleaned. Complete the quiz by answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following questions: Do your carpets look dirty or discoloured? Are there stains on your carpet that you cannot remove on your own? Do you have pets living in […]
Helpful Tips for Decluttering your Wardrobe this Fall
Now that summer has ended, it’s time to shed your unnecessary clothes and organize your summer wardrobe. The professionals at MOLLY MAID suggest following these simple tips to help you pack away your summer clothes and make room for your fall attire. Divide your summer clothes into ‘keepers’ and ‘donations’. Don’t forget to include your […]
Hobbies are Good for You: How to find the Perfect Fit!
Having a hobby is a great way to relieve stress, meet new people and get creative. In fact, there are lots of reasons why hobbies are good for you. For those of you who do not have a hobby, the professional experts at MOLLY MAID suggest following these steps to determine an interest that best […]
Keeping your ‘Smart’ Home Clean
With the increasing number of screens and electronic gadgets in our homes, keeping them clean is becoming quite a challenge. A bit of old-fashioned polishing won’t necessarily work on fragile screens. What’s the best way to keep the dust off that plasma TV and clean the kids’ sticky fingerprints from your tablet? Let’s start with […]
4 Plants that Love Fall
As we see less of the sun near the end of summer, we also tend to see fewer colours in the garden – but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are plenty of plants that flourish in cooler conditions and add vibrant new life to a tired flowerbed. Here are five plants guaranteed […]
Getting the Kids on their Back-to-school Bedtime
One of the many things that children love about the long summer holidays is that their normal bedtime is usually extended. This often makes it tricky to get your children back into a regular bedtime routine as the new school year approaches. Here are a few ideas that might help you get them back on […]
Is Fall Cleaning the New Spring Cleaning?
We’re all familiar with the concept of spring cleaning and the need to spruce up your home after a long winter. However, many people believe you should give your home a thorough clean with every seasonal change. Here are a few chores that can be done in the fall. Change your bedding: Now that the […]
5 Ways to Keep Fit and Healthy this Fall Season
Fall is the perfect time to start implementing fitness routines and healthy habits that stick. Commit to doing your fitness routines regularly. The more you commit, the likelier you are to continue these healthy habits for an extended period of time. The professional cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest implementing these simple tasks to help […]
Tips for Stress-free Grocery Shopping!
For many of us, grocery shopping can be stressful. Aimlessly wandering up and down the aisles will often cause you to purchase items on impulse, rather than the ingredients you set out to purchase in the first place. At the end of your trip, you often leave with an overload of food you don’t really […]
Beat the Rainy Days with these Fall Crafts
With shorter days and longer evenings setting in, it can often be a daunting task to find activities to entertain your family. The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest digging into your art supply box and get crafty this season. Here are some fall crafting ideas to get you started: Leaf Rubbing Fall is the […]
Celebrate the Tastes of Fall!
With summer coming to an end and the fall season fast approaching; it is easy to let the change in weather affect your mood if you’re not careful. To avoid feeling low, the professional residential cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID suggest testing your skills in the kitchen with these savoury dishes. Google a recipe for […]