Remove Furniture Dents From Carpeting… Easy!

If you're changing furniture around in a carpeted room, you may notice that 'dents' have been left by heavy pieces in the carpet. Here's a simple trick from the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID to remove these problem spots! Place one ice cube in carpet dent. If there is a longer or larger dent, multiple […]

How to ‘Green Clean’ Your Community and Home for Earth Day

When the snow melts, it’s often shocking when you see how much garbage has accumulated. But the mess also inspires many communities to organize annual spring cleaning events for their parks and recreation areas. Having the community work together not only creates a sense of pride and camaraderie among neighbours, but the earth itself also […]

4 Steps to an Extra Clean Bed – and Sweeter Dreams

Studies suggest that many people sleep better if they're in a clean room and bed. Since you spend almost one-third of your life asleep, it makes sense to schedule regular deep-cleans of the entire bed. The expert cleaners at MOLLY MAID have created an easy, four-step cleaning guide that will freshen the mattress, help eliminate […]

Laundry’s Enemy is MUD: How to Handle It!

If your son or daughter comes home from a soccer practice covered in mud, don't panic! The house cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID know how to tackle those stains while avoiding the problem of clogging the filters in your washing machine. Follow these simple steps to remove stains: Let the mud stains dry completely. Gently […]

Clean up after April Fool’s Day

Love April Fool's Day pranks but hate the clean-up?  Not to worry, say the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID who share a few tricks of their own here to help you tackle two particularly icky stains. Vaseline  – Spreading Vaseline on a door knob can get a few good laughs, but then someone goes and […]

Go Clean or Go Green: MOLLY MAID Supplies Checklist

Now’s a great time to stock up on the cleaning supplies you’ll need for your cleaning chores. Remember, Easter guests are just around the corner and so is the annual Spring Clean! Use the lists below to be most effective in cleaning your home (and don’t forget that if you’re running out of time, you […]

Spring Clean Your Clothes Closet… 1, 2, 3!

Cleaning out your clothes closet – packing away warm clothing and hanging up spring and summer items – is one of those must-do chores at this time of year. The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID recommend this simple way to streamline the process. Get three containers (bins or bags) and label them: 'Keep', 'Donate' and […]

Wooden Cooking Utensils: MOLLY MAID Cleaning and Maintenance Guide

Here is the MOLLY MAID Cleaning and Maintenance Guide for your wooden cooking utensils.

Go Green – Buy Food Locally!

Eating locally-grown fruits and vegetables is a wonderful way to support farmers and the environment.

Fast and Easy Cleaning Tips for the Blender, Microwave and Frying Pan

The expert home cleaners at MOLLY MAID have perfected the cleaning methods for these three products. Here’s how to clean them – fast and easy!

Spring Detox: These 5 Foods are all Natural

Spring is a perfect time to detoxify and cleanse your body from the inside out. The following five foods are natural detoxifying agents, so incorporating them into your diet will help.

Make it Green – 5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

March 17th is St. Patrick's Day and what better way to celebrate than by going green when you clean the house!  The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID provide these green cleaning tips: Wash the majority of your laundry in cold water (bed sheets should be washed in hot water).  There are many laundry soaps now […]

Home & Garden: Canvas Bags to the Rescue

Do you stuff your plastic shopping bags under your sink or in one of your kitchen drawers? Using plastic bags can be harmful to the environment and they can clutter your home. The expert home cleaners at MOLLY MAID recommend using a canvas bag instead. Here are four reasons why: 1. A canvas bag lasts […]

How to Bust the Dust in Your Home

As winter slowly turns into spring, the dust in your home seems to become more obvious. The fact there is more sunlight is one reason (sun seems to make dust shine too!). The other reason may be that your home is becoming a little cluttered; with the weather lately we don’t know if we should […]

Germ Zones: How to Keep the ‘Big 3’ Clean

Cold and flu season is well underway and it's important to do everything you can to prevent spreading germs in the home. Remind everyone in the family to wash their hands often and to cover their mouths when they cough. Be extra careful about cleaning the germ zones in the home as well. The cleaning […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.