Keep Colds and Flus Away from the Office

Feel like your office is stuck in a never-ending cycle of sickness? Somewhat unavoidable this time of year, your co-workers’ endless coughing and sniffling can become a dreaded playlist. If you’ve had a flu shot, you may be well-armed to fight the virus head on. If not, here’s some advice and a few guidelines to […]

The 4-Step Solution to a Smelly Washer

If your washing machine has begun to smell a bit musty, it’s time to haul out a few household items and give it a wash. That may sound somewhat counter-intuitive, but there are a lot of reasons to add it to your cleaning routine every couple of months. Bacteria, mildew, mould and hard water buildup […]

Road Salt Can Create a Slippery Slope

It’s so important for everyone’s safety to salt sidewalks, stairs and driveways in the winter. But sadly, the overuse of road salt has become a critical threat to our freshwater and wildlife. Road salt contains chloride, which is toxic to the environment. While it melts slippery ice conditions, the runoff seeps into the soil, flows […]

Time to Learn the Fitted Sheet Tag Hack!

Fitted sheets, while an ingenious invention, can cause even the most patient person to become frustrated in minutes. Especially if the bed you’re trying to make is a daybed or a bed pushed up against a wall. Often times you get one corner in place only to find it doesn’t fit because you’ve put it […]

How to Clean Your Hockey Gear

Did you know that more than 621,000 Canadian kids are registered to play on a local hockey team this year! The stats are impressive, the game is exciting, and some may go as far to say we were born to play it. And, although we didn’t conduct a focus group, hockey parents unanimously agree that […]

Low-Tech Tips to Keep You Warmer this Winter

Regular furnace maintenance, proper insulation and double-glazed windows are our main defense against the cold wind, snow and ice that batter our homes in the winter. But, there are also some fairly low-tech tricks to try that might just keep you a little extra toasty and warm!   Use Your Curtains with Care Curtains play […]

Helpful Hallway Hacks for Winter Accessories

When winter arrives, snowstorms and frigid temperatures don’t just cause chaos outdoors. Although we need them to survive Canadian winter, toques, earmuffs, mittens, gloves, scarves, balaclavas, and neck warmers quickly accumulate and take over our front halls and entryways. But it’s not impossible to keep the chaos in check; you just need to adopt a […]

Reunite With Your Neglected Dust Traps

To fight the never-ending battle of dust, dirt and the dreaded dust bunnies that plagues our homes, the average person has a large variety of brooms in multiple sizes and multiple brands like Swiffer products and generic microfibre dry mops. If we’re diligent, we can do a fairly decent job of busting dust, but when […]

4 Reasons to Clean Your Freezer Now!

When was the last time you gave your work-horse freezer a deep clean? It’s not usually a top priority with our hectic schedules, right? Not only is it a time-consuming task, but it’s also a finicky one too. It’s nothing short of an engineering feat trying to keep everything frozen while simultaneously scrubbing and scraping. […]

Learn to Make Your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

The New Year brings so many exciting promises of change: a healthier diet, better and longer sleep, and a deeper commitment to care for the environment. But by mid-February resolutions (often) fall by the wayside. This year, prepare for success! Here’s how:   In 2020 I Will Eat Better A popular New Year’s resolution, the […]

How to Host a Stress-Free Holiday Cookie Exchange

For many, holiday baking is as important as gift giving. If you love to bake, a wonderful way to share your scrumptious creations is by hosting a holiday cookie exchange. Not only is it a great way to share a glass of pre-holiday cheer, your cookie jar will get filled to the brim with a […]

How to Clean Delicate Tree Ornaments

If you trim the tree each holiday season, you know how priceless each and every ornament can be. Some of the most cherished decorations are those made when we’re young—out of macaroni, pipe cleaners and clay. Others are handed down from generation to generation, while some may have just caught your eye as they sparkled […]

How To Eco Clean Your Brass Candlesticks

A room lit with candles is always a warm and welcoming sight. Whether running down the middle of the dining table for a sophisticated dinner party, perfectly placed on the mantle to complement the fireplace or adding some ambiance to a relaxing bath, candlelight injects calm delight. But all of this can be diminished if […]

Gift Cards Guaranteed to Make the Grinch Grin

Holiday gift shopping can be a challenge. If you’re lucky, your kids will create a long list of wants and needs from which to choose. But teenagers are less helpful, so you often just end up stuffing cash into an envelope. Then there’s teachers, co-workers, the hairdresser and the babysitter. Humbug – the thought of […]

Use F.L.O.S.S. to Keep Wreaths & Garlands Fresh

No matter how little pine, cedar, cypress, juniper, fir and/or spruce you use, decorating with boughs of greenery this holiday can bring the wonder of winter inside! Not only does it look merry and bright, it smells amazing! But as with anything fresh, keeping it lush and vibrant throughout the festive season can be tough—unless […]

Molly Maid's Book

A clean house has never been so simple!

The MOLLY MAID Cleaning Handbook is full of easy cleaning methods, tips and advice. Cleaning can be fast and simple; from tackling the clutter to scrubbing the bathtub, the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID will be with you every step of the way. With a system as efficient as MOLLY MAID, you’ll have plenty of time left over to enjoy your sparkling home.